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Software - Remote access and support

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Found 8 products
AnyDesk SOLO 1Y
Licensed users: 1/Simultaneous outgoing connections: 1/Licensed devices to start a connection from: 3/Devices to connect to (Interactive Access): infinite/Managed devices (Unattended Access): up to 100
TeamViewer Support for Mobile Devices
Remotely Access And Support Android And iOS Devices - From Your Computer Or MobileDevice.
AnyDesk Standard 1Y
Licensed users: 20/Simultaneous outgoing connections: 1 by default, but up to 19 more can be purchased as an add-on/Devices to connect to (Interactive Access): infinite/Managed devices (Unattended Access): up to 500
TeamViewer AddOn Channel
1 Concurrent connection (channel)
AnyDesk Advanced 1Y
Licensed users: 100/Simultaneous outgoing connections: 2 by default, but up to 48 more can be purchased as an add-on./Devices to connect to (Interactive Access): infinite/Managed devices (Unattended Access): up to 1,000
TeamViewer Premium Subscription
15 Licensed users/1 Concurrent connection (channel)/300 Managed devices/
TeamViewer Corporate Subscription
30 Licensed users/500 Managed devices/3 Concurrent connections (channels)

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